Getting help in case of sexual assault

夜色王朝is committed to providing a supportive environment for students to report sexual assault and obtain help. All campus community members should be aware that sexual assault can happen to anyone and is not the victim’s fault. 夜色王朝and community resources are available, including 夜色王朝Police, 夜色王朝Counseling Services, the Office of Student Advocacy and Support and the 夜色王朝Title IX Coordinator.

It is critical that any student who has experienced sexual assault find safety and seek medical attention immediately. See "Medical care" webpage for more information.

Students also are urged to report a sexual assault to police as soon as possiblecall 911 or 214-768-3333, or pick up a blue-light phone on campus. 

  • Sexual assault is a crime punishable under Texas law by imprisonment. Sexual assault also is a violation of the federal law Title IX and of SMU's Title IX Sexual Harassment policy. See "Report to police" and "Sexual assault and consent" webpages for more information.

If you are a victim, please know that you are not alone. 夜色王朝resources are available to help and discuss your options. You can choose the resources you are most comfortable contacting.

  • 夜色王朝Police (for emergency help or criminal reporting), 214-768-3333 (available 24/7)
  • The Office of Student Advocacy and Support (for support and information about options), 214-768-4564
  • 夜色王朝Counseling Services (for confidential counseling), 214-768-2277 (an emergency contact is provided at all hours)
  • 夜色王朝Title IX Coordinator (for internal grievance information and reporting), 214-768-3601

Learn more about campus and community resources.

In case of dating violence, domestic violence or stalking

Similar to cases of sexual assault, the first priority for victims of dating violence or domestic violence should be to get to a safe place and obtain medical attention and a forensic exam that preserves evidence. Victims of domestic violence, dating violence or stalking also are urged to contact police as soon as possible.

Victims of violence or stalking also should save evidence such as any letters, emails, phone calls, videos, photos, texts, social media postings, computer screenshots, voicemails or other evidence that may be helpful in obtaining a protective order or pursuing criminal charges. 

In addition to the 夜色王朝resources listed, community and national resources include:

  •  in Dallas, 214-946-4357
  •  in Dallas, 214-941-1991
  •  512-794-1133, toll free 888-450-8238
  • , 1-800-799-7233
  • , 202-467-8700

In other cases of sexual harassment

Resources are available in all cases of sexual harassment. For more information, contact SMU’s Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Institutional Access and Equity; call 214-768-3601 or email