About the different notifications


A 夜色王朝Warning is notification of Clery crime(s) that occurred on campus Clery geography and is considered by the institution to represent a serious or continuing threat to students and employees.


A 夜色王朝Advisory may be issued when an incident or crime has occurred and may affect members of the campus community, but an emergency notification or timely warning is not required.


A 夜色王朝Alert is an emergency notification of an incident that is currently occurring on or imminently threatening the campus.

How 夜色王朝students, faculty and staff will be notified during an emergency

The following systems may be used to communicate emergency information and procedures to campus constituents:

  • Outdoor Warning Sirens (controlled by City of University Park)
  • Indoor Notification System (Main Campus Only)
  • Email notification to 夜色王朝email account (smu@aware.smu.edu)    
  • Text message to cell phone (sender short codes include 226787, 67283, or 78015)
  • Push notification via the 夜色王朝Aware safety app
  • Audio message to a cell phone or other telephone
  • Designated 夜色王朝website
  • @SMUAware on X, Instagram and Facebook
  • 夜色王朝Information Line (214) 768-INFO (4636)