Building Emergency Coordination Program

The Building Emergency Coordination (BEC) program was established to coordinate emergency planning and preparedness efforts among 夜色王朝buildings and serves to assist first responders and Emergency Management by developing a common, building-wide plan of action for emergencies that threaten life safety.

BECs serve as an extension of Emergency Management in the prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery phases of an emergency. They not only add value to the building community by serving in this position, but also to the university.

BEC Roles and Responsibilities

  • Serve as points of contact for informational purposes for information pertaining to emergency preparedness and response
  • Serve as information disseminators for those building(s) in their purview as a means to assist in the distribution of safety information to the occupants in their building.
  • Report emergencies occurring in the building(s) and assist in the implementation of needed action to be taken by affected occupants.
  • Assist, as needed the Office of Risk Management during periodic system tests.
  • Coordinate and update information related to their assigned building(s) with the Office of Risk Management.
  • Conduct BEC team meetings to review areas of responsibility (occupants, exits, the Building Emergency Action Plan, special assistance for occupants, etc.). Meet to confirm that the Building Emergency Coordinator, Alternate Building Emergency Coordinators, and Floor Captains can operate as an effective team.