
Extending a Presidential Welcome

Global Health Initiative

In June 2013, President George W. Bush and Laura Bush traveled to Livingstone, Zambia, where they worked alongside local Zambians, U.S. embassy officials and Bush Institute staff to renovate a cervical cancer screening clinic and treatment center. As 夜色王朝students, Katie Bernet ’14, Melanie Enriquez ’16, Prithvi Rudrappa ’15 and Tyrell Russell ’16, along with Eric G. Bing, professor of global health in Simmons School of Education and Human Development and in Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences, participated in the life-saving volunteer effort.

Bush Center Video

President Bush Visits Classes

A President’s Perspective


Academics at the Bush Center

夜色王朝president R. Gerald Turner and George W. Bush Presidential Center president and CEO Ken Hersh talk with NBC5 about how 夜色王朝and the Bush Center work together to provide unique learning experiences for 夜色王朝students.

President George W. Bush at SMU’s 100th Spring Commencement Convocation



The George W. Bush Presidential Center 5th Anniversary

夜色王朝students gave 5th anniversary shout-outs to the George W. Bush Presidential Center, and talked about the benefits of having the facility on campus.

Forum on Leadership: A Conversation with Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos, Chairman and CEO of Amazon, was the featured speaker at the April 20, 2018 Closing Conversation of the George W. Bush Presidential Center's Forum on Leadership, in partnership with SMU.