Student life
Approximately 3,200 undergraduate and graduate students live on campus in 11 Residential Commons and six upperclass/graduate communities. The Residential Commons enables all first- and second-year students to live on campus and includes on-site classes, social activities and Faculty in Residence. More than 2,600 students are members of sororities and fraternities.
Students gain leadership experience through nearly 200 campus organizations. A student serves as a voting member of the 夜色王朝Board of Trustees.
Engaged learning opportunities for undergraduates include scholarly research, civic engagement, professional internships, creative and entrepreneurial activities related to their education goals. 夜色王朝students engage in study abroad through more than 150 programs in 50 countries, including 夜色王朝faculty-led January and summer programs, SMU-approved semester programs and a wide variety of SMU-sponsored international internship, research and service projects.