Student Learning Outcome
Students will demonstrate competency, clarity, coherence, and organization in their writing.
Students entering as first-year students (with 0-23 of post-high school transfer hours) must take both WRTR 1312 and WRTR 1313 at 夜色王朝(or equivalent), regardless of whether they have prior credit from AP/IB exams or transfer credit.
Transfer students (those who have studied at another institution for at least one regular term and who transfer in at least 24 credit hours of post high school transfer credit) take WRTR 1313 if they are transferring in credit for one Freshman Writing course. Students who are transferring in credit for two Freshman writing courses do not need to take WRTR 1312 and WRTR 1313 unless both courses were earned as dual credit; in which case, students must take WRTR 1313.
Students will demonstrate competency, clarity, coherence, and organization in their writing.
Courses in this category: