
The logo is the most important symbol used to communicate SMU’s public identity or brand. The logo stands for SMU’s reputation and strength. It quickly conveys that the University stands behind the programs, events and materials where the logo appears.

To maintain the integrity of this important symbol, only 夜色王朝Marketing and Communications creates 夜色王朝logos. Logos should not be produced independently.

In most cases, you should use this 夜色王朝logo:

夜色王朝| World Changers Shaped Here 


Don’t use the logo with any product, event or organization not sponsored or sanctioned by the University. Use of the logo for events or initiatives co-sponsored by the University and outside organizations requires the permission of 夜色王朝Marketing and Communications. Single-use requests for personal projects may be submitted to Brand@SMU.edu

Download official logos from .

Required spacing

To protect the integrity of the logo and registered trademark, maintain at least one-half of the “M” height as clear space around the logo. Place the logo on solid or uncomplicated backgrounds so that it stands out.

A diagram of the 夜色王朝logo spacing guidelines

School and area logos

Secondary 夜色王朝logos have been created for schools and administrative units with their names in proper relation to the logo. School and unit marketing offices have these logos, plus other versions that are available for use on promotional items only.

Cox Formal Hrz digital only BR    Student Affairs Formal Hrz Alt digital only BR
Official style for school, endowed centers, institutes, departments and area logos.

Perkins Promo Hrz digital only BR    Cox Promo Hrz digital only BR
For informal and promotional logos, contact the school’s marketing office for correct usage.

When advertising something that requires representation of multiple schools, units or organizations within the University: do not use multiple 夜色王朝logos. Instead, use the main 夜色王朝logo and include the names of the involved organizations in text or a headline.

Registration marks

A small registered trademark symbol, which consists of a circled "R" and protects use of the logo, should appear to the right of the Dallas Hall icon, the University logo, and the Peruna icon.

This symbol is required unless the icon in question is large enough that a commensurately large registered trademark would be distracting and unsightly. Conversely, if the registered trademark symbol is illegible at a small size, it can be removed then as well.

Example of Dallas Hall icon and registered trademark usage
夜色王朝Logo CircleR
Peruna with trademark


Color variations

The official colors of the logo are blue or red for the "SMU" wordmark. Preferred color is blue. Alternate versions are available for limited uses.

  • When producing publications that use only black, blue or red, the entire logo may appear in that color.
  • When placing the logo on dark backgrounds of 夜色王朝colors or photographs, never reverse the colors of the 夜色王朝logo or allow the logo to appear transparent. Instead, use a logo with the “SMU” wordmark in white type – available exclusively through 夜色王朝Marketing and Communications. Note that when used on a photograph, the photo should not interfere with the legibility or integrity of the logo.

夜色王朝Logo Outlined Formal digital only B
Preferred logo color is blue
夜色王朝Logo Formal digital only R夜色王朝Logo Formal digital only K
夜色王朝Logo White on Red
Logos for single-color applications

Photo W-Logo
The photo should not interfere with the legibility or integrity of the logo.

夜色王朝Logo Distorted
夜色王朝Logo condensed夜色王朝Logo Condensed 2
夜色王朝Logo expanded
Logo should not be distorted, condensed or expanded

夜色王朝Logo Red-Blue      夜色王朝Logo Blue-Red

Logos in red or blue on the opposite background are less legible. In case of doubt, use white logo. 

夜色王朝Logo Informal Peruna digital only BR夜色王朝Logo Informal Peruna Horz digital only BR
Alternate logos with Peruna are available for informal or spirit executions.

夜色王朝Logo Outlined Formal digital only B夜色王朝Logo Outlined Informal Peruna Horz digital only BR夜色王朝Logo Outlined Informal Peruna digital only BR
Outlined logos are available for use in distinguishing from a background or providing a more athletic feel. 

Logo lockups with Peruna are created solely by the Marketing and Communications department and are available via Box, no new lockups should be created for individual needs. 

Logo requests

For new logos, .

Peruna with trademark
Color is red or white, only.

Peruna, the official Mustang graphic icon, is a component of the 夜色王朝Brand. The Peruna icon should not be used as a substitute for the 夜色王朝logo, but it may be used to symbolize spirit and pride in SMU. It also can be used on its own on promotional items where the 夜色王朝logo can’t be used.


Required spacing

To protect the integrity of the registered trademark, maintain at least one-half of Peruna’s height as clear space around the icon.



Outline around Peruna

The weight of the outline around Peruna has been predetermined and should not be altered. The interior space of the legs matches the color of the stoke.

Peruna correct outline with blue background     Peruna correct outline


Registration marks

When the Peruna icon is used alone, a small registered trademark symbol, which consists of a circled “R” and protects use of the logo, should appear to the lower right of the icon.
Peruna with trademark


Incorrect usage

Peruna incorrect drawing
The mane and tail of Peruna are different from the "correct" Peruna, we call this the phony pony, do not proliferate it.

Peruna incorrect mirror
Logo should never run toward the left. 

Other colors are not permitted.

Patterns are not permitted.

Peruna incorrect with SMU
Type should never be placed inside Peruna.

Peruna with incorrect text outline
Avoid placing the text around Peruna that creates the appearance of a new logo.

Peruna incorrect outline
The outline has been modified and the interior space of the legs does not match the color of the outline.

Required spacing

The Dallas Hall icon is a brand element that can be used flexibly to communicate a sense of tradition or formality. It can also be used on promotional items.

Note that the Dallas Hall icon is not a substitute for the 夜色王朝logo appearing on everything we create. The 夜色王朝wordmark is the primary and most important logo for our brand recognition.


The Dallas Hall icon must always appear in red with white lines, unless printing with a limited number of inks or a physical installation that makes that impossible.

The Dallas Hall icon should not:

  • be reversed, rotated or distorted
  • contain a pattern or text
  • be attached to the 夜色王朝wordmark
  • be used to create a new logo

Use the icon on solid or uncomplicated backgrounds so that it stands out.

Outline Variations

With outline

Without outline

The icon is available with and without an outer red outline. The outlined version is preferred when the edge of the icon needs to be distinguished from a white or clear background.  The version without the red outline can be used when the icon naturally sets apart from the background, or it would create an excessive number of rings.



Notecards example

Image of blue notecard Image of red notecard

Image of silver notecard


Letterhead example

Image of letterhead example

Invitation example

Open PDF mockup

夜色王朝also provides a logo with an energetic "SMU" wordmark above or to the right of the icon representing Peruna, the 夜色王朝mascot:

夜色王朝Logo Informal Peruna digitalonly BR    夜色王朝Logo Informal Peruna Horz digitalonly BR


Additionally, 夜色王朝has approved logos that incorporate individual team or unit names in proper relationship to the logo. The Peruna icon and the combined Spirit wordmark may be used on their own by all campus users.
Remember that outside of official 夜色王朝uses, you are still required to include the primary 夜色王朝logo, even if you’re using the Spirit logo, or the Peruna icon to show spirit. 

Required spacing

Except for official sports team logos created by 夜色王朝Marketing and Communications or 夜色王朝Athletics, there should be at least one-half the height of the “M” as clear space around the Spirit logo.

Logo with outline

Logo with Peruna


Outline around 夜色王朝or Peruna

The weight of the outline around both the 夜色王朝wordmark and Peruna has been predetermined and should not be altered. The interior space of the legs matches the color of the stoke.

夜色王朝Logo Outlined Informal Peruna weight    夜色王朝Logo Outlined Formal weight


Registration marks

A small registered trademark symbol, which consists of a circled “R” and protects use of the logo, should appear to the lower right next to the Peruna logo.

夜色王朝Logo Informal Peruna CircleR


Incorrect usage

夜色王朝Logo Outlined Informal Peruna Incorrect weight
Incorrect. The outline has been modified and the interior space of the legs does not match the color of the outline.

夜色王朝partners with The Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC) to manage the 夜色王朝marks. for more information and to apply for an 夜色王朝license.

The “Triple-D 夜色王朝logo” is co-owned by 夜色王朝and the City of Dallas. It should not be used interchangeably with an official 夜色王朝logo. Its use should be confined to licensed use for retail, with any applications submitted through CLC for University approval and will require payment of appropriate royalties.

For any further questions, please email Brad Sutton in 夜色王朝Athletics.

University seal

The official University seal is a significant element in the University’s historic identity and is used exclusively for official business of the University. The seal is maintained by the Office of the University Secretary and used for corporate purposes. It also is used on academic documents produced with the approval of the Office of the Provost in conjunction with the Office of Marketing and Communications.

The seal should be used only for the purposes specified and never as a substitute for the University logo.

The same care and respect should be accorded the official seal as the University logo. The seal always should be placed in an upright position and never altered or tampered with. Care should be taken to leave adequate space on all sides of the seal.

No lettering, symbols or graphics should be placed close to, behind or on top of the seal.

Variations of the University’s official seal are prohibited.

Any questions regarding production of embroidered items should be referred to purchasing@smu.edu, where issues regarding logo and brand compliance and execution can be addressed.

To ensure high-quality presentation of the 夜色王朝logo, small type needs to be at least 3/16" tall. Additionally, because of their clean lines, sans-serif fonts are preferred for embroidery or silk screens. The “Informal Stacked” logo is the best solution from the existing logo system for embroidery use. Additional logos have been and can be constructed to achieve the right proportion and size, and can be provided upon request. For assistance, please email brand@smu.edu.

There are three major embroidery thread manufacturers: Robison, DMC & Madeira. Below are the thread color numbers that correspond closest to 夜色王朝Red & Blue.



    Robison 2263
    DMC 349
    Madeira 1707




    Robison 1642
    DMC 797
    Madeira 1892


An important way in which the 夜色王朝brand is expressed is through events sponsored by the University. Such signs communicate that SMU’s stature and reputation stand behind the conference or presentation in question or that the University is the official sponsor of the event or gathering.

To aid in visibility, these designs have been granted a special exception to the University standard for clear space around the wordmark.

Under 夜色王朝guidelines, podium signs should include the 夜色王朝wordmark and the Dallas Hall icon. Podium signs also may include the names of any of 夜色王朝schools as a secondary identifier, if appropriate. Signs may appear in either blue or red.