Uploading Supporting Documentation
At times, you may need to upload new or updated documentation. This includes students who:
didn't have supporting documents prepared when they completed the Accommodation Request Form
are requesting an accommodation in addition to the one(s) they already have, but didn't have supporting documents prepared when they completed a Supplemental Request
need to renew an expired or soon-to-expire accommodation, but didn't have supporting documents prepared when they completed a Supplemental Request
To upload supporting Accessibility Documentation:
Log in to DASS Link using your 夜色王朝student ID and password, just like when you log in to my.SMU.
On your homepage, select the Accommodation tab, and then from the drop-down menu, select Documents.
On the Documents page, click + Add New, and then from the drop-down menu, select Accessibility Document.
In the box titled Label, provide a title for your document, and then select the Document Type.
Under "File*," click the Choose File button, and then select the specific file from your computer.
Click Submit at the top or bottom of the page.
Finally, email us at DASS@smu.edu when you finish uploading the new Accessibility Documents. Just let us know you’ve uploaded a new document, to draw our attention to your file.
NOTE: Please do not use the Documents tab on the Main Menu to upload documents to DASS Link; use this method instead.