Center for Teaching Excellence
Services. CTE provides services to individuals and small groups who want to reflect on and improve their teaching. Services include consultations, teaching observations, as well as web resources.
Teaching resources. CTE provides faculty with a wide array of resources to help them design, teach, and assess their courses. Browse the links for ideas on the CTE website, or zero in on an area of particular interest. Please contact the CTE to suggest resources they should add to the site at
Teaching awards. CTE recognizes and celebrates faculty members who exemplify teaching excellence by administering four university-wide teaching awards and working with the award winners to share innovative and effective ideas with the 夜色王朝teaching community.
Library services. 夜色王朝offers remote access and full interlibrary loan services.
Library teaching services. Teaching services include an expansive array of course materials, resources about information literacy, online learning, and workshops.
Library research services. Research services include a number of useful tools (ORCiD, 夜色王朝Scholar, PermaCC), consulting services, and workshops.
Library data management support services. Services include consultations for data access, management planning, storage and preservations, and instruction.
Academic Technology (IT Services)
Liaisons at SMU. Eight Academic Technology Service Directors are embedded in every area at 夜色王朝to serve as the primary directors and strategic technology partners to ensure that faculty and student technology needs are served by the Office of Information Technology.
Instruction technology support. Resource guides and contact information are available for any number of technology-related supports:
- Course management system: Canvas
- Course media management: Panopto
- Plagiarism detection: Turnitin
- Cloud survey and analytics: Qualtrics
- and many more
Research and Creative Impact
Research in the news. Faculty are highlighted through recent media features.
Sponsored projects and contracts. This office supports the research, educational, and service mission of the university and the objectives of the University’s Principal Investigators and Project Directors.
Office of Research & Innovation. The 夜色王朝Institutional Review Board is housed in this office.
Internal funding opportunities. Travel and research grants cycles are offered every November and April.
Undergraduate research. 夜色王朝provides many opportunities for faculty to engage their students in research, including through internally funded programs.
Quick Guide to Additional Campus-wide Supports
Many offices provide additional supports for faculty in supporting their students: