Get Started
Step 1: Logging in
To begin using Gradescope, just click the "Sign In" button (above). Use your NetID and password as your login. Navigate to your course and click “Gradescope” from the left-hand navigation menu.
Step 2: Sync your Roster
- From Gradescope, select Roster
- Click Sync 夜色王朝Roster and follow remaining instructions
Step 3: Build your assignment
From Canvas, create a new Assignment
- Choose External Tool for Assignment Type
- Select Gradescope from the list
- Select between new Gradescope assignment and existing Gradescope assignment depending on whether or not you have created the assignment in Gradescope
- Click Link Assignment
In Gradescope, select the Assignment type (listed below)
- Give your assignment a name, fill in your settings, including:
- Enable anonymous grading – hides the student name/identifying information from the grader
- Who will Upload Submissions? – instructor or student
- Create your Rubric – before submissions or while grading
- Click Create Assignment
- Once your assignment is saved in Canvas/Gradescope, view the assignment in Gradescope to finish setup.
Assignment Types :
Exam/Quiz | Instructors administer an assessment then collect student work. Students answer each question in designated regions.
Homework/Problem Set | Instructors specify an outline of the assignment and a window of time that students can submit their work. Students upload their work via their phone or computer. |
Bubble Sheet | Using the instructors can mark the correct answers for each question ahead of time, and all student submissions will be automatically graded. |
Programming Assignment | Instructors can automatically grade student code with a using the traditional Gradescope grading interface. |
Online Assignment | Instructors create questions directly on Gradescope. Students will be able to log in and submit responses within the Gradescope interface. |