Prayer of Thanksgiving, Centennial Worship Service
This prayer was prepared by Professor of Preaching and Worship Mark W. Stamm for the Centennial Worship Service held Sept. 24, 2015, in Perkins Chapel.
your great mercy and love, you have given us this university, as a place of
learning and research, wisdom and vision, compassion and justice.
It is therefore right, a good and joyful thing, to give you thanks and praise, on this
centennial occasion, and always.
You created human beings in your image,
and you instructed us in the way of life.
When we turned away from your wisdom,
you came looking for us and you confronted us with the truth.
You called Abraham and Sarah,
and taught them the obedience of faith.
You called Moses to deliver your people from slavery,
and through him you gave us the law.
When your people were slow to learn,
you continued sending prophets and teachers, seers and sages,
faithful women and men who showed us the ways of justice and
At the proper time, you sent Jesus Christ.
He taught a wisdom that is hidden to some who are wise and intelligent, yet
revealed to babes and infants.
Jesus taught,
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.”
He taught us how to pray, how to fast, and how to make peace
with our sisters and brothers.
He taught us how to suffer, how to die, and how to look for
the coming of God’s Reign.
Through all those whom God calls and teaches, wisdom increases even to this
day, even in this place.
It is therefore right, a good and joyful thing, to give you thanks and praise, on this
centennial occasion, and always, for you are teaching us,
To seek law and justice, knowledge and vital piety,
To build a place where all women and men may teach and learn …
Black and white, Asian and Latino/Latina, gay and straight.
You are teaching us,
To sing with the prophets and dance in freedom,
To seek out the mysteries of the smallest particle,
And when the earth moves under our feet, to understand why.
You are teaching us,
To play to win, yet with integrity,
To seek the welfare of this city,
To envision the world that you desire.
You have called us ҹɫÍõ³¯,
Spirited Mustangs, strong and purposeful, yet not quite tame;
and we are glad.
Yes, blessed are you, Lord our God, the source of all wisdom and every good gift.
In your great mercy and love, you have given us this university, as a place of
learning and research, wisdom and vision, compassion and justice.
It is therefore right to give you thanks and praise, on this centennial occasion,
and unto ages of ages.